We artists who choose to work with 2D media also mostly choose to work within the box; that is the nature of paper and canvas. In my work, I acknowledge the box and the western society grid we exist within; but, I largely rail against it. I seek to modify the grid so I can validate that which is unique, or beautiful, or odd, or any number of adjectives one chooses to modify the nouns which are artworks.

I talk to my pieces. We talk about all manner of things, especially dreams – my own and those of others. Sometimes we have a lovely conversation and it remains so at the press. Other times the dialogue continues, sometimes years after pulling the print off the press for what I thought was the final layer of ink or layer of collage material. Elements are then added or subtracted as the dialogue evolves.  Later, as you look at my finished work, it becomes your dialogue. That is the nature of art.

